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Code of Conduct


To ensure a positive and enriching experience for all members of our club, we have established a Code of Conduct that outlines the behavioral expectations for both athletes and parents/guardians.


By adhering to these principles, we aim to create a culture that encourages healthy competition, positive interactions, and lifelong learning. We believe that every athlete's journey is enriched when they are surrounded by teammates, parents, and coaches who share these values.


Any violations of the Code of Conduct may result in consequences, which could include suspension or removal from the program. Our aim is not to be punitive, but to ensure that everyone's experience remains positive and respectful, and we believe that upholding these standards will create an environment where all athletes can flourish. By participating in any NORCAL Aquatics activities or by enrolling your child(ren) in the program, you agree to follow the guidelines.



1. COMMITMENT TO SAFETY: Athletes are expected to follow and promote NORCAL Aquatics commitment to providing a safe learning environment. Any physical or verbal harassment, intimidation, or threats and any inappropriate physical contact is strictly prohibited and may result in a player’s suspension or expulsion from the team or NORCAL Aquatics. 


2. RESPECT & SPORTSMANSHIP: All athletes will display proper respect and sportsmanship toward coaches, teammates, opponents, volunteers, officials, and the public, including refraining from any negative or derogatory speech toward or about another player, team member, opponent, coach or volunteer. Athletes are expected to refrain from any behavior that may reflect poorly on themselves, their teammates, their families, and NORCAL Aquatics.


3. DEDICATION, EFFORT & ATTITUDE: Athletes will attend practices, games, and team activities regularly and on time. Athletes understand that dedication and effort are crucial to the success of the team. If an athlete is unable to attend, they will inform their coaches in advance. Athletes will maintain a positive attitude both on and off the pool deck and promote a fun and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.


4. COOPERATION & TEAMWORK: Athletes will work cooperatively with teammates, understanding that our success as a club depends on mutual support and healthy communication. Athletes will encourage and uplift each other and celebrate their teammates achievements.


5. FAIR PLAY: Athletes will play by the rules and always uphold the spirit of fair play. Athletes recognize that success is not solely defined by the score but also by displaying integrity and respect for one’s personal conduct.


6. CARE FOR EQUIPMENT & FACILITIES: Athletes will respect and take care of the club's equipment, facilities, and uniforms, as well as the facilities we travel to for scrimmages and competitions. Any damage caused by athlete negligence or intentionally destructive behavior will be reported to a NORCAL Aquatics coach immediately. 


7. COMMUNICATION: Athletes will communicate openly and respectfully. If athletes have any questions, concerns or issues, they will discuss them constructively with teammates and coaches.


8. RESPONSIBLE SOCIAL MEDIA USE: Athletes and Parents will use social media responsibly and refrain from posting and promoting harmful, derogatory, or inappropriate content. Athletes understand that their online presence can impact the team's image and reputation.


Cell Phone Policy

In an effort to have athletes fully present, to create a more focused learning environment, and to aid in our continued efforts to develop more meaningful relationships and friendships among our athletes, NORCAL Aquatics has implemented a cell phone/device policy. 


Athletes, when they walk through the gate, both at practice and at games, have been ask that cell phones stay in their pockets or bags. We have also extended this policy to all times that athletes are together during official team functions, including team meals and events. 


Phones can always be used to call or message a parent if needed, we just ask that athletes let coaches know prior to using their phone or device. 



1. POSITIVE SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT: Parents/Guardians will provide positive support and encouragement for their children and NORCAL Aquatics teammates, families, and coaches. 


2. MODEL GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP: Parents/Guardians will model good sportsmanship for their child(ren), demonstrating how to handle both victories and defeats with humility and grace. Parents/Guardians will refrain from engaging in any behavior that could incite conflict or create a negative atmosphere.


3. RESPECT FOR OPPONENTS AND OFFICIALS: Parents/Guardians will treat officials and opposing teams with respect and courtesy and understand that they are essential contributors to the development of NORCAL Aquatics athletes and deserve our support.


4. COMMUNICATION WITH COACHES: Parents/Guardians will maintain open and respectful communication with the coaching staff. If parents/guardians have concerns or questions, we they will arrange a time to speak with the coaching staff at times that are outside of regularly scheduled club activities. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to have their child(ren) present during meetings with coaches.


5. LET COACHES COACH, LET PLAYERS PLAY: Parents/Guardians will allow the coaching staff to perform their duties without interference. We ask all parents/guardians to stay outside the pool dates during practice and refrain from coaching from the sidelines during scrimmages and games.


7. TIMELY ARRIVAL AND PICKUP: Parents/Guardians will ensure their child(ren) arrive on time for practices and games and will be prompt in picking them up after activities are finished.


8. REVIEW OF CODE OF CONDUCT: Parents are required to discuss this Code of Conduct policy with their child(ren) and ensure their child(ren) understands the code of conduct expected from them as a player in all NORCAL Aquatics activities.


Conflict Resolution Policy

All members must follow the NORCAL Aquatics policy for resolution. Problems, questions, or complaints regarding any part of the programming should be discussed with NORCAL Aquatics staff as follows:

1.    Athlete’s Head Coach
2.    Club Director

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